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Inventory of the seven fighting scenes of the Bagua Zhang master Best Chinese Action moive 2022

#subscribe #like #comment Disclaimer : This channel does not provide any financial advice. All the information provided on this channel is for educational and informational purposes only. This channel does not guarantee you that you can make money online using this method shown in the video, Your degree of achievement in accomplishing the outcomes asserted…

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240234-Palms stick to sky and earth.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 240234-Palms stick to sky and earth. 1. Relieve shoulder and back pain. 2. Lose waist fat. 3. Relieve migraines. 9 times each side one set, 2-3 sets a day. Inhale, stretch one hand up and one hand down; exhale, come back. First look down at…

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Qigong Flow to Get Grounded

Grounding is a key principle in qigong. This routine cultivates the energy of centering so you maintain a strong root and don’t get thrown off by life’s challenges. It’s a great one if you experience over thinking, worry, insomnia, anxiety. Shot in Joshua Tree National Park vortex! Enjoy! qigong,qi,chi,chigong,yoga,yin yoga,yoga and qigong,qigong yoga,yoga qigong,chinese medicine,tcm,grounding,anxiety,worry,insomnia…

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