【42式太极剑】表演全国太极拳太极剑冠军邱慧芳【42-style Tai Chi Sword】Qiu Huifang, the champion of performing Tai Chi Sword
This video we bring you about tai chi sword to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction. 1.起式、 2.并步点剑、 3.弓步削剑、 4.提膝劈剑、 5.左弓步拦、 6.左虚步撩、 7.右弓步撩、 8.提膝捧剑、 9.蹬脚前刺、 10.跳步平刺、 11.转身下刺、 12.弓步平斩、 13.弓步崩剑、 14.歇步压剑、 15.进步绞剑、 16.提膝上刺、 17.虚步下截、 18.右左平带、 19.弓步劈剑、…