Simplified Tai Chi 24 & 48 short forms (YMAA Liang, Shou-Yu) Taijiquan

DVD available: Grandmaster Liang, Shou-Yu teaches two of the most popular forms of Tai Chi Chuan, the ancient Chinese martial art which is often described as ‘moving meditation’. The popular ‘Simplified’ 24-posture form is demonstrated by Master Liang with martial fighting applications. The form is shown from several angles, with breathing instructions. The Standard 48-posture…

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Al-Waalee Muhammad Hsing-I Class: Pi Chuan 3

This is a scene from one of Master Muhammad’s Hsing-I Chuan classes, that focuses on drills and applications for Pi Chuan (Splitting Fist). Master Muhammad is founder and Chief Instructor of TRANSITIONS Internal Arts Institute in Houston, Texas. Transitions;,Hsing-I,Chuan;,Martial,Arts;,Chinese,Internal,Self,Defense #AlWaalee #Muhammad #HsingI #Class #Chuan

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Benefits of Tai Chi and Neigong practice: Meditation on Movement

An audiovisual exploration of the benefits of traditional Tai Chi and Tai Chi Neigong practice for health, wellbeing and also performance. We will explore the roles of posture, movement, mindfulness and fascia. Visit for video course, training etc. #taichi #mindfulness #movement #fascia #performance [vid_tags] #Benefits #Tai #Chi #Neigong #practice #Meditation #Movement

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