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Tai chi chuan | Low energy Takedowns | | taichi application | Chen Style Taiji Quan | 陈式 太极拳

– Tai chi is a centuries-old Chinese martial art that descends from qigong, an ancient Chinese discipline that has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine. The people that you see moving gracefully with flowing motions in parks throughout China, and increasingly throughout much of the modern world, are practicing tai chi. – According to some…

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3 Best Qi Gong Exercises to Reverse Aging

In this 8-minute video, Lee Holden teaches you his top three exercises to reverse aging. You will: -Circulate fresh Qi in your body by activating the Water Element connected to your kidneys. -Open up your lung capacity so you can breathe deeper and bring more life into your body. -Wring out tension and tightness from…

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