
The Gentle Mind – Nei Gong Explained

This video we bring you about neigong to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction. LEARN ISMET HIMMET KUNGFU HERE: mind,ismet himmet,mindwork,gentle,the gentle mind,qigong,energetic,energy work,neigong,nei gong,wdp,shizaam,internal,online learning page,online education,online teaching,instructionals,武术,功夫,武当功夫,内功,内丹功,气功,神功,意守丹田,武当

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Qigong for the 3 Treasures | LONG Version | Mind – Heart – Body | Dao Yoga & Shaolin Chi Kung

Harness the power the 3 Forces (Earth, Nature, Heaven) to transform the 3 Treasures (Body, Heart, Mind). Through Qigong & Daoyin (Dao Yoga) exercises find flexibility, strength, and relief from chronic pain and stress. Become a Qigong Teacher in 12 Weeks Online Learn More at Follow me over at: #Qigong #Treasures #LONG…

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