Daoist Nei Gong

A forthcoming book by Damo Mitchell on the Daoist internal practices of Nei Gong, Qi Gong and Alchemy. Released in July 2011. Available to pre-order now at from amazon online bookstore. Nei Gong,Damo Mitchell,Singing Dragon,Nei Kung,Liam Bauckham #Daoist #Nei #Gong

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Qigong for the 3 Treasures | LONG Version | Mind – Heart – Body | Dao Yoga & Shaolin Chi Kung

Harness the power the 3 Forces (Earth, Nature, Heaven) to transform the 3 Treasures (Body, Heart, Mind). Through Qigong & Daoyin (Dao Yoga) exercises find flexibility, strength, and relief from chronic pain and stress. Become a Qigong Teacher in 12 Weeks Online Learn More at www.nickloffree.com Follow me over at: Instagram.com/nickofqi Tiktok.com/@nickofqi #Qigong #Treasures #LONG…

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Neigong [Tai Chi] (2018)

Neigong means “Internal Work.” While external work would imply relying mostly on strength, neigong means more work with internal body mechanics, aim, focus, and sensitivity of touch. Through practice of neigong, you must learn to accurately discern what is happening with your body by feel, and with your opponent’s body by touch. Without doing so,…

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Nei Gong

A través de antiguas prácticas del cultivo de la vitalidad (Chi Kung) y de la moderna ciencia del movimiento, te ofrezco un entrenamiento y un método, para que fortalezcas tu cuerpo de manera segura, alivies dolores y molestias, mejores tu postura y tu movilidad articular. Ayudándote a encontrarte mejor no sólo físicamente, sino también mentalmente,…

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