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Daoist Nei Gong

A forthcoming book by Damo Mitchell on the Daoist internal practices of Nei Gong, Qi Gong and Alchemy. Released in July 2011. Available to pre-order now at from amazon online bookstore. Nei Gong,Damo Mitchell,Singing Dragon,Nei Kung,Liam Bauckham #Daoist #Nei #Gong

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Nei gong Hwa Jing (Physical Massage) 1 of 4

Grandmaster David Harris Demostrates the Nei gong Hwa Jing technique as it applies to massage therapy. This technique will save massage therapists alot of time and make their routines more effective no matter what there skill level. Again another simple, fast, and powerfully effective technique of the Shun Shen Tao donated by Grandmaster David Harris…

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Nei Gong

A través de antiguas prácticas del cultivo de la vitalidad (Chi Kung) y de la moderna ciencia del movimiento, te ofrezco un entrenamiento y un método, para que fortalezcas tu cuerpo de manera segura, alivies dolores y molestias, mejores tu postura y tu movilidad articular. Ayudándote a encontrarte mejor no sólo físicamente, sino también mentalmente,…

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