Qi Gong for Bloating, Digestion, and Trapped Gas

Join Lee for two weeks of online Qi Gong classes for free. Just click the link below to get started: Why are most people dealing with indigestion, bloating, and gas every day? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, most people have a weak “metabolic fire.” That’s because we don’t know how to transform Qi (life-force energy)…

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9-Minute Arthritis Relief Qi Gong Routine

Do you live with arthritis? Has it taken a huge toll on your physical, emotional, and mental health? If so, try Qi Gong. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, arthritis is a sign that Qi (life-force energy) is stuck in your joints. As energy stagnates, the joints get stiff and arthritis can develop. Qi Gong is used…

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