Why Try Xingyi? Reason #2

xing yi chuan spear

This video we bring you about xing yi chuan spear to you so you can watch and also have access to related topics and items, all in one place. You can learn and keep learning without distraction.

More than Earth, Wind and Fire
Xingyi has five fundamental striking techniques. One for each of the five Chinese elements. (and two more than Earth, Wind and Fire).

Chop — Pi Quan The Metal Element
Drill — Zuan Quan The Water Element
Beng Quan () — Wood
Pao Quan (Cannon) — Fire
Heng Quan (Cross-Cut) — Earth

These five train striking downwards, upwards, through the middle, to the outside and to the inside.
“Because they give rise to all other techniques, the classic texts called the Xingyi’s ‘mother techniques’ …
The five element fists are not just 5 different techniques… More importantly they are 5 methods of generating power and 6 ways to train the power generation of Xingyi.”
– Di Guoyong (translated by Andrea Falk)

Stone Lantern Internal Arts
© J. Saper, 2014
Music: Five12 by Jim Dandy, ISRC: CAG8H1400005