Women’s Health Daily Routine, Nei Gong & Qi Gong | Calligraphy Health with Master Yang


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Master Yang demonstrates how to link simple Calligraphy Health movements to the area of women’s health. Stress and unresolved or unexpressed emotions that many females carry inside, prolonged sitting, and many factors of modern lifestyle all impact the female abdomen area – the internal organs, including the uterus. A common result of this restricted blood circulation is what Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) calls a ‘cold uterus.’ This imbalance in the female body has various repercussions, including digestive problems and hormonal issues. One symptom of a ‘cold uterus’ is the common feeling of cold fingers and toes, especially during winter.

​C​alligraphy Health practice is about restoring this balance in the body and the mind in a natural way through connecting movement, breath, intention, and internal organs. ​The skill​, depth ​and the healing potential of this practice lie not in the external body poses but in the details and the internal skills that Master Yang shares with the students during in-person training.

The focus of this practice is on enhancing this restricted blood circulation in the abdomen, ‘warming up’ the uterus, and linking the movement with internal organs and emotions. Master Yang’s goal during training is to teach the students the principles that lie behind the movements – principles of connecting with one’s own blood cells and internal organs.

This internal connection to your own blood flow is a connection to your own Qi/energy since blood and Qi flow together. When we establish this connection and communication with ourselves, our body starts to listen to us – our blood cells and energy start to follow our minds’ intention. When we connect with our blood and establish internal communication, we start to develop a connection to internal organs. It’s the body-mind-organ connection that forms the basis of Calligraphy Health practice.

This results in movements that resemble a fish or jellyfish moving in water. It’s natural, graceful, and effortless.​ ​​I​t’s full of life and energy and carries a healing quality. It’s a skill that you carry outside the practice into your daily life.


00:00 Introduction
01:53 Reset
02:09 Energy Shower
04:20 Water Wave
5:28 Single Eel
6:49 Explanation