Xingyi Beng Quan helps to disperse the liver Qi, relieve and prevent depression, anxiety disorders

xing yi chuan spear

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Xingyi Bengquan originated from Xingyi thrusting spear. The basic techniques of spear fighting are block, seize, and thrust. Blocking is used to obstruct the opponent’s attack, seizing is used to control the opponent’s weapon and prevent a second attack, and thrusting is used to stab the opponent’s body.
In Xingyi Bengquan, using the capitulum ulnae of the upper hand rubs against the  ACUP point PC 6 on the inside of the lower hand, and then explosively extends from the centerline. The lower hand pulls back while the inner side of the elbow rubs against the ACUP point LR 13 on the liver meridian.
The PC 6 is located on the Jueyin wind wood meridian, which belongs to the wood element and is connected to the liver. Rubbing the PC 6 and LR 13 points has the effect of soothing the liver, regulating Qi, reducing stress, and relieving depression.


Dr.Yingsheng Wu 伍穎生,字世龍,加拿大BC省註冊高級中醫師。氣功針灸治療師。內家拳家。加拿大精武體育會創會會長。伍世龍醫武養生學院院長。任教於KPU公立大學、VCC中醫學院,課程包括"周易與中醫",中醫歷史與主要經典《黃帝內經》,《難經》等,太極氣功,推拿等等。

About Dr. Ying Sheng Wu,
Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Registered Acupuncturist

Doctor Wu is a well respected Kung Fu master and doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver, Canada. The Wu’s lineage has had many generations which have been connected to Chin Woo Kung Fu and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Master Wu began his Kung Fu training at the early age of four. His breadth of knowledge spans across northern and southern styles of Kung Fu, covering both internal and external styles of martial arts. Eventually, he became a disciple of Sun Zhi Jun, a Bagua grandmaster, and Feng Zhi Qiang, a grandmaster of Chen style Tai Chi. At this point in time, Master Wu focuses on the internal style of Kung Fu, which includes research, training, and instructing.

Currently, Doctor Wu is:

* A 4th generation successor of Shang style Xingyi
* A 4th generation successor of Cheng style Bagua
* An 11th generation successor of Chen style Tai Chi
* A 2nd generation successor of Hunyuan Tai Chi

Doctor Wu contributes to the art of Kung Fu through his ability in combining classical Chinese philosophy with modern training and education. He has extracted the essence of traditional Chinese Kung Fu by blending scientific training methods to re-capture the hidden secret powers of traditional Chinese martial arts.

Doctor Wu has a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Zhongshan University China. He has also studied the The Book of Changes, known as ‘I Ching’. As Doctor Wu’s father is also a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he taught him how to appreciate the healthiness of the body, mind and spirit. These are the same principles Doctor Wu uses as a Qigong instructor.

After immigrating to Canada, Doctor Wu is fulfilling his dream in uniting the teachings of Kung Fu and Traditional Chinese Medicine to the western society. Additionally, Doctor Wu is on the board of several Chinese culture associations where he is able to share his extensive knowledge with them.

Also, Dr. Wu is the..

* President of the Canadian Chin Woo Athletic Association
* President of Y.S. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Martial Arts College
* Instructor of Qi Gong at the PCU College of Holistic Medicine
* Instructor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University

His mission is to open the gate to a true, deeper understanding traditional Chinese culture and holistic taoist philosophy for a fully integrated mind, body and spirit.

Start your journey a become the best that you can be!


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