Baguazhang Lake Palm Punch Throw

Lake Palm 俯掌of Jiulong Baguazhang 九龍八卦 掌

This Clip: A short demonstration filmed in 1994 of defense against a straight punch with Lake Palm / Fu Zhang 俯掌 shape and application used in the Li family Jiulong Baguazhang (Nine Dragon Eight Diagram Palm Boxing). Lake Palm is a powerful downward energy that can press, cut, strike or lock incoming force using circular power. It is represented in the Yijing or book of changes by the Gua Dui 兌 It is also sometimes called “The Red Bat Palm due to the way it rapidly changes directions from up to down.

We are teaching Lake Palm energy at the 2011 Gathering of the Bagua Circle in Albany NY.

My assistant in this is Matthew Cohen a high level Kun Tao and Yoga practitioner.

From: This clip is excerpted from Nine Dragon Baguazhang for Street Combat DVD Series. The program teaches concepts and principles of Jiulong Baguazhang internal martial art. Students learn meditation, martial qigong, and standing, circle walking and practical martial applications. These six productions take you step by step through the Nine Dragon Baguazhang combative training. The videos also feature tactical applications of the Baguazhang palms including speed and power drills. Many applications are shown at full unrehearsed combat speed and then broken down to explain the principles involved. TO ORDER: care of Mike Leach office manager.

To learn more about Combat methods and principles you are encouraged to contact us at The Gompa Center We can supply you with this award winning video series or information on ordering our two new books “Combat Baguazhang the Nine Dragon System”. Please also visit us on line at

If you want to study with us or for information about attending this years Gathering of the Baguazhang Circle a five day Baguazhang training event open to beginners through advanced players please write to us at for information.

Thank You
John P. Painter
Shifu Jiulong Baguazhang

#Baguazhang #Lake #Palm #Punch #Throw