Kung Fu : What is XingYiQuan? | ART OF ONE DOJO

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JQUofsZCTZA/hqdefault.jpg Books by Shifu Jonathan Bluestein Research of Martial Arts: Martial Arts Teacher: Art of One Dojo Patreon: www.patreon.com/ArtofOneDojo Episode: What is Kung Fu? (Skip to part on Taulu): Welcome to our first look at an individual Chinese art. Today, with the help of Shifu Jonathan Bluestein, we are going to look at an introduction…

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Hsing Yi Chuan 12 animales

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ncVheTbhdoA/hqdefault.jpg Una de las ramas del Xing Yi Quan (Hsing Yi Chuan) es “5 elementos – 12 animales” comprendiendo entre otras, estas dos estructuras técnicas. Aquí vemos un ejemplo de las técnicas de los 12 animales: dragón, tigre, iguana, pollo, oso, aguila, elefante, caballo, mono, serpiente, grulla, golondrina. Practique Kung Fu Tradicional. Asociación Kai Men…

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