Tai Chi Chuan 24 Steps Beginners Lesson 1

You can Order all 11 parts of the Tai Chi lessons on one DVD now and save 20-50% or more by clicking or copy and paste the following link: using your Credit/Debit card with the PayPal guarantee. This part is one segment of an 11-part Tai Chi Lesson Plan. The DVD will give you an opportunity to have your personal trainer in your own home. This video was created to help you enjoy your Tai Chi experience. An electronic “Tai Chi and You” book can also be view and ordered if you click or copy and paste: You can view and order 187 Color Digital Images if you Click or copy and paste: You will get a discount on all of the above if they are ordered together. I am a Divorced father of only one child. By ordering the Tai Chi DVD, 187 Images and/or Book your order will help pay down the cost of my daughter’s education to become a Teacher. This is coming from a proud Father who never graduated from High School. The book contains a brief history of Tai Chi, 187 Images of Tai Chi movements; YouTube viewers’ questions/comments about Tai Chi followed by a response to them, “DO CLUES” to help you perform Tai Chi better, Confucius quotes and more. Please notice variations in the body, hands, arms, legs and feet positions in all images. The positioning of body, arms and legs are very important if you want to achieve your goal. DON’T POISON YOUR MIND & BODY with any drugs if you don’t have to! Viewers have claimed that it helped them walk better, move better, gain balance, worked with Diabetes, helped them live better and have made other mental and physical testimonies within the comment areas under the YouTube videos. It is said that Tai Chi puts your body in harmony with your mind, and therefore may help many health ailments, such as aching joints and muscles and may even ease arthritis, as well as body and organ functions. Many people have reported immediate results while others have reported some discomfort during the beginning of performing Tai Chi. Those who reported discomfort tried to perform Tai Chi Chuan 24-Steps for Beginners too quickly, resulting in discomfort. You must learn to pace yourself and progress a little each day until you learn the complete routine. Remember, your mind and body are worth more than all of your possessions. Note: Though Tai Chi has shown to be beneficial to a great number of people. This exercise must be taken seriously, in slow progression, and you must work your way to the final steps by slowly doing what you can and by following the steps shown in the DVD. It takes a while for your mind and body to adjust and it will not happen overnight. It took your mind and body a while to get to its current state so it may take a while for your mind and body to adjust to a new and better you. Therefore, give it a chance by starting out with a slow pace and working your way to a new beginning. We want to help you feel better and feel the results. The National Physical Culture and Sports Commission, of the People’s Republic of China, created and simplified this Tai Chi form in 1956. This became part of the drive to document and standardize Wushu training, thus introducing competition forms. The Beijing 24 form has many names, including the 24-step form, the Peking form, simplified Tai Chi and even just the 24 postures. NOTE: Please read all of the information within this message prior to ordering. To prevent rejection of your order, please write your address exactly the way you registered it with your credit or debit card. Please do not add anything to your registered address that is not included in your debit/credit card information. You cannot change your address by e-mailing us. Changing any address has to be done through PayPal. We mail only to the address you provide PayPal. This DVD was created to work smoothly, during all parts, on any DVD player only. This DVD will not work on most computers unless you have a special program. If you return your DVD and found that it is defective you will be sent a replacement DVD at no additional cost. If your original DVD works and you want your original DVD returned you will have to go back to the site you ordered your DVD from and go to the bottom of the page where the return category is shown. You will be charged $12.00 (US) for Shipping and Handling for your returned of the DVD only.
If you find this video helpful and educational please tell your friends and refer them to this website. AS WITH ANY DVD AND DOWNLOADED OR UPLOADED IMAGES THERE IS A NO RETURN POLICY! If you have any medical conditions or medical questions you want answered, prior to participating with this program, please consult your physician. This video is Copyright © protected. Check for copyright © laws, penalties and fines in your Country if you attempt to copy this video. Thank you – M Thomas

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