Tai Chi Wrestling (Taijiquan Shuai Jiao) YMAA Taiji

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DVD available:

Master Yang teaches tai chi takedowns for tai chi fighting or pushing hands.

Wrestling, or Shuai Jiao, is one of the oldest forms of Chinese martial arts, which developed into a complete system within itself over thousands of years. Wrestling is also one of the main components of traditional taijiquan (tai chi chuan) martial arts training. Taiji Shuai Jiao teaches the skills of destroying an opponent’s root and balance, and various takedowns.

Experience a private lesson with one of the world’s foremost masters of Chinese martial arts, as Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming instructs Taiji Wrestling applications that can be found within all styles of Taiji, utilizing leg sweeping, tripping, bumping, throwing, and many other techniques.

Dr. Yang’s tai chi lineage can be traced back to the Yang family through Grandmaster Kao, Tao (高濤) and his teacher Yue, Huanzhi (樂奐之), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu (楊澄甫).

DVD on Amazon:

T’ai Chi Ch’uan (Martial Art),Shuai Jiao (Martial Art),Wrestling (Martial Art),Karate,YMAA,Dr Yang,Jwing-MIng,Jwing-Ming Yang (Author),Taijiquan,Taiji,fighting,mma,wrestling,grappling,leg wrestling

#Tai #Chi #Wrestling #Taijiquan #Shuai #Jiao #YMAA #Taiji