Wudang Wu Long Tian Gang Ba Gua Zhang

This is Wudang Wu long Tian Gang Ba Gua Zhang demonstrated by Wei Cheng Ling 24th Generation Long Men Dragon Gate.
Wudang Five Dragons Heavenly Dipper Eight Trigrams Palm.
Also known as Ba Bu Chun Yang, Eight Step Pure Yang
and Long Xin Zhang, Dragon Heart Palm.

History and Lineage: single disciple transmission
Lu Dong Bin 796 CE – 1016 CE, Tang dynasty 618 – 907 CE
Zhou Yi Ching 1368-1644 CE, Ming Dynasty, 4th generation Pure Yang Sect
There is no record of the first second third, nor following 12 generations, but evidence of Zhou Yi Ching at Five Dragon Temple, Wudang.
Long Xin- would have been 17th generation Chun Yang Sect but became Quan Zhen Long Men Dragon Gate.
Wang Zhi Dao was Long Xin’s disciple, born 1854, 21st gen Long Men, said to have lived in Yu Xu gong in Wudang. He, like his masters, was a renunciant sorcerer and priest of the Gao Gong Fa Shi.
Liu Li Han 1920 became disciple, 22nd generation renunciant, disciple to Wang Zhi Dao, marking the end of single disciple transmission, modern era/cultural revolution, forced to live in society and teach, at age 98, 1999, he returns to Wudang, restoring the transmission of jue fa zhou to a renunciant priest. Transcended 2002.
Du Zong Chang, Li Shi Fu, White Horse Mountain, Five Immortals Temple.
Wei Cheng Ling, 24th generation Long Men.

online learning: www.wudangwhitehorse.com
more information: www.fiveimmortals.com

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#Wudang #Long #Tian #Gang #Gua #Zhang