Xing Yi Quan Five Elements (Wu Xing): Short Beng Quan Partner Drill [Xingyiquan / Hsing I Chuan]

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This is a drill which allows the defender to begin to learn about simultaneous attack and defence using Beng quan at two different heights and the concept of “Ce” (“Ts-hey”) meaning to go down the flank. The attacker throws a straight strike either with a high or a low line. The defender enters and covers with one hand as they slip close to the attacking limb either on the inside or outside and attack with a Beng quan with the other hand.

By slipping past the attacking arm and getting close to the attacker it means that they need to move back or adjust position before they can launch another effective attack, or risk being overwhelmed.

This is just a drill showing the beginning of a progression, later this will become faster, the attacks will have more intent and the attacker will be allowed to add follow-up strikes, and other techniques will be added.

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