Xing Yi Quan Bare Knuckle Sparring – Testing With Pressure [Xingyiquan / Hsing I Chuan]


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Here is an example of one method of testing your Xing Yi under pressure in a non compliant situation. This is not full on fighting but sparring with no protective equipment, this still has risk involved even if the intensity and intent is not 100%

Bare knuckle fighting often results in fighting defensively and develops your respect for each and every strike. If you get hit, often that’s the end of it, especially when you’re training with a guy who’s much bigger and heavier as wells as a skilled martial artist with a law enforcement job. Paul is around 5ft 8″ 174cm and weighs 82kg (13stone/181pounds) Alex is around 6ft 2″ 189cm and weighs around 120kg (19stone/266pounds). Even at this reduced intensity a strike from such a big guy can be devastating.

A lot of the time it doesn’t look like very much is happening but the reality is that you are testing the opponent’s awareness and defence constantly through small shifts in position, height, distance. This results in a lot of small tests and movements as you look to find the advantage.

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